Wednesday, 12 May 2021

A flower girl plays a very important role at the weddings. She is the cute little angels who leads the bride to the reception, throwing petals on the ground as the bride makes her entry. A flower girl is as important as the bridesmaids and thus picking the best flower girl dresses is very important. Traditionally, the bride’s entourage, including the bridesmaids and the flower girl, are in the same colour pattern or design as the bride. However, over the years these rules have become more about personal choice and there are no strict rules that you need to adhere to while choosing wedding flower girl dresses

We have compiled a list of dresses to choose for your little angel 

Full-length gown

A full length gown is ideal for a formal wedding. These dresses just touch the ankle so that it is easy for your child to move around in them without the fear of tripping over. Since these are big dresses in themselves, you should keep the detailing to a minimum as too much work like beading or embroidery can make the gown even heavier to carry for the slight frame of your child. For the best designs and styles for little flower girl dresses log on to trish scully. 

White Flower girl dresses

Flower girls are conventionally dressed in the same colour as the bride. And if you wish to follow the tradition, you can go for a white flower girl dress. You can also add a dash of colour to the all-white ensemble by mixing it with colourful embroidery in colours like peach, pink or blue. Your child will look like a little angel in a white dress with a basket of petals in her hand as she leads the bride into the reception area. 

Dresses in bright colours

Flower girls look really cute in bright colours like pink, blue and purple. Yes, the tradition is to wear white or something as close to white as possible, these colours look quite pretty. If you cannot decide an alternate to white and what colour will look the best, go straight to pink. Shades like lavender or even a darker shade of purple can be a good choice. Light or sky blue remains one of the most commonly accepted choice of colour after white for flower girls. It easily blends with the surroundings and is also a subtle choice. 

Also Read:- Inspiration and Tips For Buying Perfect Long Flower Girl Dresses

Embroidered dress

It is another very good option to go for while picking a dress for a flower girl. The best part about going for an embroidered dress is that the choices in colours are endless. They can be made in any style of your choice too. Embroidery can be done on range of fabrics. For a little girl an embellished dress in cotton, lace or satin will not only look great, but also will be easy to handle. 

Sequined dress

A sequin dress will light up your little angle like a star. Sequined dresses are a big hit amongst small girls as they like shiny things. One big advantage of buying a sequined dress is that it is not merely restricted to a wedding. It can just as easily be worn for birthday parties or if you are going for a formal dinner. 

Long-sleeved dresses

A long-sleeved dress looks really classy, whether an adult is wearing it or a kid. The only problem tha you might face this type of dress is that it may become uncomfortable for the child after some time. However, this problem can be offset by making the sleeves detachable, so that once the ceremony and the photo ops are over, the kids can roam around freely.

Tulle dresses

Kids are always playing around and something that gives them room to move and is also comfortable to wear should be the primary concern when buying a flower girl dress. If she is not comfortable in the dress, you will eventually have to change it. Or worse still, it could hamper when she is playing around with her friends or little cousins. Tulle dresses fulfil both these criteria. Not only are they very comfortable to carry for the kids, they are a very beautiful option as well. 

Three-piece dresses

They are the perfect outfit for a winter wedding. You cannot dress kids the same way for summer and a winter wedding. It is essential to keep in mind that you little angel does not feel cold in her dress in case of a winter wedding. You can add a pair of cotton whites and a sweater or a jacket to the attire so that the child feels snug. 

Two-piece dresses

A two-piece dress is another great option for toddler girls. The bodice and the skirt can be of different colours to add a pinch of vibrancy to the outfit. It also gives you the luxury to mix and match when it comes to the size of the skirt or the type and colour of the bodice you want to pair it with. 

Lace dresses

Lace fabric for little flower girl dresses has been around for a long time and it remains an evergreen choice. Lace dresses look elegant and are available in different colours and patterns. If you cannot make up your mind as to how to dress your little girl for her flower girl duties, close your eyes and pick a lace dress. They look nice with embellishments and without any accessories as well. 

Dress with poufy skirt

A poufy skirt means a dress with volume and bounce in the skirt. These are perfect formal wedding dresses. The skirts are generally made with tulle, net or organza fabrics as these fabrics are perfect to provide a voluminous finish. Make sure the length of the skirt does not reach the floor or else it could be difficult to manage. 

Also Read:- How To Buy The Best Toddler Girl Shoes: From Crib To Walking

A-line skirts

An A-line skirt resembles the shape of an A, as the name suggests. These skirts usually have a sash or a waistband around the waist. The sash or the waistband should be in contrasting colour from the skirt. 

Pick-up skirts

Little girls often get excited about pick-up skirts as they have seen their favourite celebrities wear it on TV at one red-carpet even tor another. If your flower girl is a toddler or a young girl, avoid these dresses as they can become very tedious to handle. However, they are a good fit for girls around 10-12 years of age.

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